


  • OS is software to abstract(simplify) and arbitrate(control) HW system
  • like toy shop manager - resource management, policy, mitigate
OS element: abstraction, mechanism, policy


distiguish computer platform as 2 level
application needs OS to support HW access
System flow call ex: user process calls OS then return back to user


  • Process is instance of executing program
  • like an order of toys

process has virtual addr

page table mapps virtual addr to hysical addr
some physical addr is in the disk

PCB and context switch

  • PCB has state of execution(program counter, stack), tmp holding area (mm), might require some HW (io device)
  • process control block (PCB) includes:
    1. program counter (pc) - current step of the process (binary)
    2. stack pointer
  • Context switch: when 2 or more process switch for CPU (ex: p1 switch to p2), it need to record the stopping point for current process(p1) and also upload the stopping point for incoming process(p2)


the smaller time scheduler takes, higher CPU efficientcy

scheduler taks next process from ready queue


  • Inter Process Communication